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Update #7!


Holocaust Awareness Museum And Education Center
Thanks to so many supporters and 167 backers, we were 106% successful in surpassing our funding goal and raising $38,749 in 45 days!

With this recent and stupendous success, Flim Films LLC will be creating 13 documentaries personalized to each subject’s amazing story. We have just about finished production on each of the subjects and have only two more production days to go. We will be tackling Post Production in mid July.


The Interfaith Center 10th Anniversary Video
We are proud to announce the successful creation of The Interfaith Center’s 10 Anniversary Video. They are an amazing organization that works to foster a positive, lasting, and inclusive relationships between peoples of all faiths in the Philadelphia area.


Jewish Family Children Services
Flim Films LLC has recently gotten the go-ahead to begin production on two videos aimed towards recruiting foster families in the Philadelphia area. The two videos will be a commercial and a web promotional video that will also serve as an event video, for the JFCS. The JFCS has many initiatives including foster care services. In the recent years, the demand for foster care agencies like the JFCS has grown and we are proud to help them recruit additional welcoming homes.


Flim Films LLC’s 1st client Youtube Channel
Ever been in a hospital, needed serious medical care, or been a family member or close friend of someone who was or is a patient, and wish you could have a serious heart to heart with a doctor. Thats the idea behind this Youtube Channel soon to come. Aimed to be informative, inspirational, and motivational, Doctor (Name soon to be revealed upon launch), in a series of videos on Youtube, will explore how to best approach medicine and cancer treatment as you here it directly from the doc himself. Lisa Bien, a communications professor at Temple University and host of TUTV’s Bouncing Back, is leading the Marketing initiative which the Youtube Channel and website re-design will be a part of.


Kaleigh Medici, Flim Films’ New Chief Editor,
Has joined Flim Films LLC as the Chief Editor. We are so happy and honored to have her amazing editing and filmmaking skills. She will be spearheading the work with the Flim Films LLC and Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center’s Holocaust Legacy Project, Omni Cable Office Video , and many other projects now and soon to come.


In Other News…

Finished “Look Book Room” to help with design and creative development!

Though it may seem like just a room lined with corkboard. Bridget Siegfreid and Grant Schmidt created a palette board framed custom corkboard piece of art that allows for new projects to be laid out visually along with reports, photos, etc. This room will be used for future projects for casting, designs, costuming, project management, character development, screen writing, and much much more.


Front Door sign for Flim Films LLC
Using the Flim Films LLC logo designed by Matt Vona, Michael Marchetti was able to create the sign that now signals our front door. Sometimes its the little things that are most exciting for an emerging business.

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