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Nearing the End-- of the Year!


Meet Nick!
Nicholas Ricotta—our new Chief Animator and editor here at Flim Films, has been an awesome addition to the team. We’ve pumped out many projects since our last update, and he’s been a propelling factor to help get them out there. Welcome, Nick! Check him out over at the "ABOUT US" page, here.


New Tech
Our new, fantastic, Panasonic GH4 DSLR camera beautifully films in up to 2k, which is now a new feature FF can offer to clients! Additionally, we have some new accessories to better shoot in-studio and on especially out-of-studio locations. All great stuff that we’ve become well-versed in.


Not-So-Small Dec3 Lyric Music Video
Check out “Four Small Black and White Pictures of You,” the lyric video Flim Films made exclusively in Adobe After Effects by Nick Ricotta, interlaced with footage and sets by Grant, Kaleigh and Nick combined. The video has already received thousands a views. We’re really happy with the outcome, hop over to Dec3’s post of the video and take a look.
Watch it here.


HAMEC Video Trailer; Featuring the Legacy Video Project
This turned out to be a fantastic opportunity to showcase the museum and what we’ve filmed so far, and make a compelling and beautiful piece. Combining most of their survivors in an introductory manner and how they, and the museum, work together to educate others; Chief Editor Kaleigh was able to create a visually beautiful piece to be displayed to get people excited for the Legacy project (and museum themselves)!
View it here.


Jewish Family Child Services Commercial
Last we updated you, we were working hard on an under-6-minute commercial to promote the adoption agency. We’ve done it, and we’re exceptionally proud of it! Real people with real-life stories were depicted in the entire video, and Flim Films is happy to have worked with JFCS.
View it here.


The Wall of Apps
Front and center as you walk into the office, our shiny new wall of applications that we here at Flim Films LLC use to get our work done, uploaded, and out there for you all to see.


New YouTube Series; New Developments
Pleased to announce some in-production and soon-to-be projects, FF is working on a “Dr. YouTube” series, where an oncologist and nurse/survivor speaks and encourages cancer patients to keep a positive outlook. “MichaelRaven,” a channel dedicated to emergency preparedness and other helpful tips and hacks is also in the works. Additionally, a channel for female empowerment is in its early stages as well. Check back next time for more updates, and, possible uploads!


A Wedding!
Flim Films has filmed another wedding! We’re very excited about this, especially with the ease of the new gear, and are starting to edit that. We hope to be able to get it out for all to see soon.


iStock and ShutterStock
As we film so often–whether it be tests with new gear, on-location, or B-roll–Flim Films would like to share that footage for others to be able to use. We’ve been accepted and are slowly but surely uploading content to iStock and ShutterStock. Very exclusive squirrel footage from a window in-office is one of the first fabulous additions!


With this update, the site will feature the new videos, spotlight pages for Grant and Nick.
Confidential new content—moving along at a great pace and FF looks forward to potentially sharing them soon as well.

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