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Flim Films is excited to offer a variety of web marketing content. We can propose, create and maintain your company, organization, or business' webpage and/or social media account. Need a logo? Updating or optimizing searachability on your site or social media page? Take a look at the variety of web marketing Flim Films has had the privellege to do. Decide to create a commercial, and we can handle promoting that too. We've got you covered.



Originating with a Facebook page to promote his practice, Dr. Richard G Schmidt's project has generated a well-polished site, stationary and other product creation via Flim Films, and it is currently in the process of generating a YouTube series. The feedback and successful promotion is what we strived for, and we're pleased to show you the results.


Please visit his website here.


Visit Dr. Richard Schmidt's Facebook too!




Originally set to be a single-series YouTube installment, Bouncing Back with Lisa Bien is now in its second season, and is becomming very successful. Set to empower, educate, and motivate viewers who can get themselves down, or need that extra push, Lisa's vast experiences allow viewers to get inspired to get positive. Flim Films shot, edited, animated, promoted, and manages the social media promotion of it as well! Check out an example of her video on our VIDEO page, or her YouTube channel.


Check out her YouTube channel now!



Funded with Kickstarter, the Holocaust Awareness Museum of Philadelphia (HAMEC) in association with Flim Films present a groundbreaking project, film 12 Holocaust survivors telling their astounding life stories in a series of documentaries.

While the project has been an oppertunity of a lifetime for Flim Films and to all viewers who watch, Flim Films had the privilege to create and promote the Kickstarter page-- and with that highly successful funding, resulted in 12 documentaries and the creation of the Legacy Library Project website, which we are pleased to announce has been released!


Delve into their stories on the new page, here!


Visit our Kickstarter page!


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