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What a Year so Far!

Flim Films has been very hard at work since the last update (forgive us for it being so long ago!). We’ve been busy with quite the list of work completed, and the list of things to come. Here’s all the details:



Our Reel is up!
FF is extremely excited to share our shiny new Reel showcasing all the work we do here. Edited by Kaleigh (our newly-titled Chief Editor!), our work includes a plethora of media production work—so go take a look! We’re pumped to have it done for everyone to see.
Check it out.


The Green Screen; and Fully Functional Studio
We’ve got it all put together. With the addition of the green screen, Flim Films now has a stocked studio ready to be used for anything from YouTube videos to professional photography: we’re ready for it all. Let Flim Films host your In-Studio projects and provide editing, animation, and other services.

Additionally, we have several YouTube series videos fast approaching; involving educational content, how-to’s, and interviews. With the new green screen, Flim Films can now utilize animation to convey thoughts and be visually appealing to viewers. More updates on this next time!


A Look at the Lookbook Room
All finished up, this is our idea, brainstorm, and showcase room here in the office. Adorned with the Flim Films logo, the corkboard is ready to timeline a currently confidential long-term project. Opposite that is our storyboard wall, pinned with shots of an upcoming educational YouTube series. And of course, the many binders organized and eagerly awaiting editing for the Holocaust Legacy Videos.


The Holocaust Legacy Videos Project
So many thanks to those that aided in successfully funding the HAMEC Kickstarter. We reached beyond what we could have hoped for, and we’ve moved into the production of the series! We’ve filmed all thirteen survivors and are looking forward to putting together each documentary via our wonderful editors. Be on the look out for more updates!


JFCS: Jewish Family Child Services
Our latest on-going project advertising a Philadelphia-based child adoption agency. Interviewing both adoptive and foster parents, the mockumentary-style format not only covers what JFCS does for them, but fostering itself. It’s a great piece for us to put together, and it’s nearing completion—be sure to check back soon for the videos!


Website Work
While Flim Film’s site has been updated; we are also currently working on the Holocaust Legacy Project’s site. We’re also very happy to showcase Peke House of Beads, an online store showcases beautiful beaded jewelry.
Check Peke out here.


OmniCable VOTE
A promotional video for their company, OmniCable VOTE showed employees how to use a new service on their online website. Utilizing screen recordings, voice over’s and on-location footage, we put together an easy-to-view how-to for the company.
View it here. 


It Was a Quiet Ride—Distributed and Submitted!
The long await of finalizing IWQR for sending out has passed, and Flim Films submitted IWQR to several festivals via FilmFreeway and WithoutABox, and are crossing our fingers they like the completed product as much as we do. Secondary editor Kaleigh (on the project as a whole), from an original export, further condensed the piece and added the original soundscape for some finishing touches. An accompanying DVD case was also made by her as well. A breath of fresh air, everyone! Upcoming trailer soon.


Larry Sylvia Legacy Video
Can you believe it—we’re nearing completion! It has been a tedious process, but Kaleigh has sifted through all the content, and pieced their lives together. Waiting for some final content, we’re pleased to announce you can definitely look for this soon.

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